Future Steel Prices

Future Steel prices are difficult to predict, as there has been a lot of volatility in the marketplace among steel mills. There are now 71% fewer domestic USA based steel mills compared to just 10-years ago. Tariffs on foreign steel tend to quickly drive up the American steel mill prices as well. Curvco Steel Buildings are manufactured with only 100% USA Steel.
Many customers use different forecasting tools to determine whether metal building kit prices are going to go up or down. These publications include market journals such as American Metal Market, investor business daily, and the Wall Street Journal. These sources can give an indication of where the prices of future buildings are going to be headed.
Steel Building Price Protection
If you are not building in 60–90 days and are concerned with what the cost may be of future buildings, Curvco may have the perfect solution. It may be possible to lock in your sale price today and take delivery later, depending on the time of year if your company or municipal agency needs to spend your budgeted funds now. Ask your Curvco building specialist for details.
The Factory has bonded warehouse storage that houses all the orders that have been placed for future delivery. It is temperature-controlled and secured with 24/7 round the clock security and cameras. Any Arch Steel Building purchased from our experienced building specialists can be stored here temporarily until the customer notifies the plant that he or she will take delivery. This is just another example of superior customer service and how serious we take steel building price protection.
Our goal is to satisfy the needs of the customer by any means even if this means as a professional courtesy, storing the building here safely and sound.
Steel Building Clearance
If you can be flexible on size, and take a standard production model or steel buildings on sale, you can save even more! Be sure to check out the steel building clearance and specials to see if one of the models listed is right for you. Curvco Steel Structures are 100% made with US labor and offer the most competitive pricing at a cost that can’t be beaten.
All of these discounted steel buildings are sold on a first-come, first-serve basis and are based on the current inventory the factory maintains up-to-date reports of production specials and clearance steel building models that are available.